97-051_LTRS 131

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Karen Dykes
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passed on July 28, 2024 at 05:35
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Filename: 2035_97-051_131.tif
Last Modified: 2024-07-28T13:24:19.616Z
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Creator Transcript
  • tjj opert It) i*MB door ip our official "'bouncer". Next we have "Jock" Devoy, the untamed much-eater from Leth­bridge, He is captain of our soccer teem, and is one of the squad that I work with up the line. He's an inch or two shorter than I am, and oufiit to be a grendsinger - but he isn’t - for he has legs on him like a. canary. He has a most infectious laugh, and have never heard him down-hearted. Jock is grooming the "Cochrane bruis­er" for the "white hope" championship! The best Scotchman I’ve ever met. \7e now oome to our "flea-bitten lance Jack" A,I.R.Davidson, Sootch by birth, Anzac by adoption, and latterly in Canada. Extreme­ly well connected in Scotland and a prince of afellow. Stands 6 ft. in his sox, weighs around 185, slightly bald,and darkcomplexioned. An inveterate "ooffin nail" smoker complete my description of "Levy". Yours truly next. Well, I guess you’ve seen me often enough to « know what I look like, so I'll carry on to the next. Here,ladies and gentlemen,we have the fastest sprinter in the unit, centre fielder on our ball team, and the man who can collect more lice in a given length of time than any man in the unit, I take great pleasure in introducing the one and only "Einn" Reid. He is noted far and wide for hie tendency to lose his personal belongings. He can sleep on a clothes line and frolds the record for appearing on parade in the shortest length of time after arising from hisrdowny couch. A school teacher by profession, he is 26 years of age,about my size, and is fair complexioned. Also he is a Canuck. The next specimen,folks, owns up to having first seen the light of day in Devonshire, and claims to know Bureel Stane?, of visiting the above mentioned hamlet. I am not in a position to refute his* claim. His monicker? "Sammy" May, also designated as the "crock". A "crock" I might explain is a broken down soldier, Sammy has a bum shoulder which stretcher bearing hasn't bettered any, so at present he has a staff job on one of our water carts. Red faced, freckled, and ginger hair, now you have him. — The kid completes thetent. But there are a couple more of our gang I'll have to tell you about. 7/hom do you suppose we have here? Ho less a personage than the famous George Tetlow, alias "Tet", alias "Saskatoon Wop", alias "The Worm", whose craze for souvenirs has earned him the sobriquet "Souvenir King"., Hs's tall and then, and can always be found in the centre of any rough house that is taking place. Being an Englishman he has peculiarities in his speech, and always insists on calling "Looks" "Luke",. We've pointed out the error many etime but to no avail. He totes around a Eritzie rifle, two bayonets, and numerous shell-noses. Has s peculiar loping walk, owns up to twenty years on this troubled sphere, and was actually caught the other day writing a letter. A good scout, "Tet", couldn’t find a better man to work with up the line. Ereckled, end has Schenectedy hair - close to Auburn, you know.
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