97-051_LTRS 111
File Details
- Depositor
- Karen Dykes
- Date Uploaded
- 2022-03-09
- Date Modified
- 2022-03-09
- Fixity Check
- passed on July 28, 2024 at 05:35
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Height: 6600Width: 5100File Format: tiff (Tagged Image File Format)File Size: 101033026Filename: 2015_97-051_111.tifLast Modified: 2024-07-28T16:54:52.479ZOriginal Checksum: 1dbb7d5e727e7a75b0c96003d353e9f0Mime Type: image/tiff
- Ill - stirring. He wasn't having any. There is no doubt that it was a very noisy bunch who finally stopped in front of Horn's billet, while "Vinegar", in his role of sel^appointed interpreter, did his best to.find out where Horn was. The Landlady’s volubility proved too much for him, so Cheeseman stepped into the breach, with such encouraging remarks as "Sell her a lot, Steve", or "She out to be good for a hundred, frano. policy",, to urge him on. His French stood the test though, as he found that Horn had left an hour ago, A hurried consultation was held, and we decided to hunt up a photo shop ourselves, Y/e scoured the highways and byways at breakneck speed in search of one, the speed being a necessity as the day was rapidly drawing in. Finally located one, and the dirty deed was "dooed". The result has yet to be seen. After the ordeal was over we hunted up an egg and chip emporium, not a very hard job,, as they flourish profusely over here. The two-Mace,, Bud, the kid and I had a table to ourselves, and we sure had an enjoyable supper. After we had downed the "oeufs and. pomm.es de terre", the inner man still clamoring for nourishment,, we got around a couple of large tins of swell California apricots smothered with condensed milk, and some fresh H. & P. biscuits, topping the whole off with good coffee. No kick coming at that meal is there? Having no pass it was necessary that we be back before "first post",> so. once again we ran the gauntlet of the sentries, Umphy accompanying us pert way/ Before parting we gave him the roads to take to.this village, he having expressed a desire to look us up in a few days. Two days ago, he blew in, but as I was on kitchen that day, hadn't touch time to. talk to him, Y/e walked part of the way home with him at night though, and may look him up again on Sunday. Have been having a pretty easy time of it the past few days. That bane of a soldier * s’life, new boots, put a nice big blister on my heel, and the blasted thing broke on a route march. Had a similar one when I first enlisted, and while I don't think I ever mentioned it,, nevertheless I didn't take a comfortable step for seven weeks. Now I merely drop out on the morning parade,, have it dressed,, then am free for the rest of the day. Another day ought to-see me back on the job again. The kid fell out with a similar complaint today. Had a dandy box from. Aunt Bessie in last night's mail, containing a fine cake, candy, stuffed dates and some real coffee. Also received one from Mr. Holland with smokes, candy,,and a cake enclosed. The gang say he is a good judge of a cigarette. Had a letter from Piute, received yesterday, and he speaks of having heard from Frank Crompton,. Frank said that his unit,, Hart'S bunch,, was under orders to. return to. England. Piute also tells me that Hughes is now in London attached to the B.M.S. on
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