97-051_LTRS 156
File Details
- Depositor
- Karen Dykes
- Date Uploaded
- 2022-03-09
- Date Modified
- 2022-03-09
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- passed on July 28, 2024 at 05:35
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Height: 6600Width: 5100File Format: tiff (Tagged Image File Format)File Size: 101033026Filename: 2060_97-051_156.tifLast Modified: 2024-07-28T16:57:03.365ZOriginal Checksum: 6d19d05a3cea4729d9b7097ccb80d170Mime Type: image/tiff
- * francs for two drinks. Am pleased to say that this happened before we visited the island, so we were saved from a like fate. Returned our boats, and then taxied back to the hotel. I really don't know what we would have done had it not been for the taxis. Of course we could in time have learned the underground routes- and found it far less expensive-, but we have enough living underground up here. In fact Charlie and. I never went on the Metro at all. The surface looked, bet er to us. Mostly old men drive the taxis, and the few rides we had,at first, I don't mind confessing that I felt rather nervous. Por one thing there is no traffic control whatsoever in the city. If your driver sees an opening, why .he hits for it. If it closes before he beaches it,, on go the brakes and you do your best to keep your neck from being dislocated. As might be expected, such driving as that, and no control of traffic, leads to more than one accident. We nearly tore the mud guard off a big touring car one day, when our taxi made a sharp turn, forcing the car behind to climb a safely station and bump into the lamp post. I might remark that our driver more than held his own in the talk fiest that followed. Another day we were walking along the river enbankment by the Alexandre III bridge when a big touring car passed us at about 60 miles an hour? Just as it reached the square at the end of the bridge, a taxi came teaning along at right angles to the other car. We weren't more than 50 yards away, and thought sure that a smash-up was inevitale. The driver of the touring car jammed on his brakes, the car skidded, and tore both hind tires completely offf The taxi? Never slackened his speed, just kept on going without a backward glance, missing the other car by inches. Part of the day's work to him I suppose. Charlie and I walked up to the Marquise about seven o'clock, and not finding the girls waiting below, we climbed up the five flights to their room. Sat onthe bed for a few minutes while the# put the finishing touches to their toilette. Not having been outto dinner with them before, and our acquaintance with Paris cafes being mostly confined to Maxevilles, we left it to the girls as to where we should go. You see we didn't want to take them to Maxevilles for fear of bumping into another such crowd as was there the night before. We didn't mind it- alone- but with agirl, oases were altered, '‘Where'll we go Ade?" said Elsie, and after a moment's thought Ade suggested the "White Elephant" «•?+>, up" and
- Bologue- I loved that drive up the Chamns Elysses end down the Avenue Eois de Bologue. Peeling energetic, we took a counle of boats and snent a, very enjoyable counle of hours rowing around. There ip an island in the middle of the lake, and landing on it we wandered around its shady paths for half an hour. There is a cafe on the island, hut should vou by any miracle ever have the chance to visit it, take my advi/e and don't, Eddie Wright took a girl there one day, and it cost him just 17
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