Transcript |
- the Place de la Republique. Descending there, we flagged a taxi and rooe aacoss t:ie river to the Big Wheel. Having an hour to nut m be tore^ tne wneel started, end seeing a r>ost card eh on nearby I gathered m quite a few of the cards that I sent you, *
About e. quarter to three v;e purchased ourtickets, and «nter*d the sacced precincts. There is a uniform factory at the b-se wheel, with a biK bunch of young airtw, worilne «>,«•«.' In'order ‘T prevent the prospective "wheel trippers" from cazine through the wrndowe at the «irle, a oanvaa screen le places ove? the lower o-rt of tne Klees. It eagRed in places, thoush, and we had r fine ti-e for a while fflakinc faces at the girls. The forewoman soon go? wW f" however, and raised the screen. 1 1 *»
Am afraid that the average Frenchman hasn't a very clear knowledge of his own language, for when Charlie asked a fellowat vh-if tioie the hookums was due to percolate, a. blank lock was his answer.
She started finally, and the three of us entered a. car as the wheel slowly revolved. The cars resemble the old street cars at name, but the seats run down the center of the car. It is sueoer^'c- froi/i the wheel by an iron bar, on which the car moves free'*/ thus always remaining parallel to the ground. Can't say that I injoved
fiS*hpa5l °f ^ t3LiVt f0r wy tuinmy felt rcther but got
used to it after a short while, and was able to appreciate fully the
of the city we obtained when at the highest poin+
*n Tn,alhhe trip too*ground fifteen 6xpericnoo 1*11 no*b for&61 in & h.urx*y#
Walked back upthrough the Trocadero, then flagged a taxi end drove down the Avenue Eois de Boulogue, around the lake,, up the Ar down the Champs Elysses, and then to the hotel. It being very warn’ we really enjoyed the oool drive. y
,r . ? clean-up, then walked up to the Marquise to meet the girls,
went out to the White Elephant for dinner again. Charlie arid I had figured on taking in a show after, but that idea was knocked on the heed when Ade informed us that they had to rehearse from 8 to 10. =50 that night. It seemed that the opening date for the new show had been changed to an earlier one, thus necessitating extra rehearsals.
-mv T?1** We W!Ien,ht0 be d0ne 0Ut of our by a small detail
like that, so after dinner, taxied out to the Bernina. left the girls
+OY?6* arxanfninf t,° back at 10.30 to meet them. Paying off our taxi we strolled slowly up the Champs Elysses, passed the Arc de
Triomphe, then spying a couple of chairs on the path alongside the Avenue Bois de Boulogue, we glommed onto them. So that our view of the Avenue could not be interfered with, we moved our chairs right up to the curb. Gee, it was certainly a lovely night, ^arm, with hard-
nLL^nMr0! o+f J'ti^'ring. Hundreds of cars, pleasure and otherwise passed us in a steady stream while we sat there talking.