97-051_LTRS 6

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Karen Dykes
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passed on July 28, 2024 at 05:35
Height: 6600
Width: 5100
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File Size: 101033026
Filename: 1910_97-051_006.tif
Last Modified: 2024-07-28T15:54:22.996Z
Original Checksum: 98a9a24fa9d19e3acac43d73285242e3
Mime Type: image/tiff
Creator Transcript
  • The draft of 75 men left last Sunday nigt along with men from the 47th Bat. Our corps and the 47th were out in force to see them off, as well as the entire civilian population of Vernon. Another draft has Been selected hut we four had not Been up here long enough to "be considered, Just when they will leave is not known at present hut the 20th of next month is the most talked-of date. We will he on the next draft for sure. Can* t say when we will he going hack to the coast. The rumor is going around that we will break camp next week, hut today they are installing stoves in all the hospital tents, 00 that does not seem to point to an early departure. The general belief though is that the draft will stay here, and the remain­der go hack to the coast. I think that will he the case for the reason that quite a few of the draft have obtained leave to visit their folks, and surely they would not he allowed to go if the entire corps were leaving. However if we go, all fine, if not will have to make the most of it. There was a general rearrangement of tents after the draft left with the result that we four are together in the one tent along with two others. One of the “others" celebrated the oc­casion by ooming in drunk the first night. He hasn’t repeated the offenoe again, for the senior man of the tent, Bred Paine, threatened to throw him out if he came in drunk again. ” Both of us grabbed a straw “mattress" after the draft left and as we hunk together haven’t complained of the cold at all. Two blankets under us and four over, with the addition of our great coats is a fine cold defier, A pair of shoes with pants rolled up on them serves as a pillow. To prevent either of us from getting more than his share of the blankets, six blanket pins are used, two on each side and two at the feet. No possi­ble ohanoe of waking up and finding only one blanket covering you. While that heavy underwear of mine would go pretty good, I fancy I can get along without it till I get back. Have had my khaki shirt off just four times since I’ve been up here, the historic occasions being when I braved the terrors of an open- air cold shower. Am going to get a hot bath tomorrow night down town at the Kalamalka Hotel, which will set me back two bits. I guess I need it though as it is nearly amonth since I had a hot water wash, Vj< The weather is glorious today, and would have liked to have taken a walk, but until 4.30 we are not allowed outside our lines except to oross the road to the Y.M. As long as the weather remains fine during the day, our chances of being sent baok are slim, so the most of us are praying for wet weather. Had the punk luck to bet shoved on the kitchen fatigue again last Sunday, One of the boys cut his hand peeling spuds
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