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- Karen Dykes
- Date Uploaded
- 2021-12-09
- Date Modified
- 2021-12-09
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- passed on August 08, 2024 at 14:06
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Height: 2760Width: 1925File Format: tiff (Tagged Image File Format)File Size: 15964440Filename: 5848_pp_204.tifLast Modified: 2024-08-08T22:51:46.845ZOriginal Checksum: 4872826ca641675116d97a17f3e9a2ccMime Type: image/tiff
- Aug. [August] 2/46 [1946]. Q.C. [Queen Charlotte] city. Skinned birds + loaded 32 shells. In evening shot a Lasionycteris Saw 6 Townsend warblers 1 Yellow " 3 Song sparrows 2 Pileolated " many ravens. 1 Orange crowned, 2 sharpshins 10 +/- Barn swallows. 2 sapsuckers several glaucous w. [winged] gull nest western Flycatcher 4. Russet-b. [backed] thrush Aug. [August] 3, 1946. Q.C. [Queen Charlotte] City. Rowed over to the two small islets in the bay + found about 7 or 8 pairs of glaucous winged gulls nesting on the easternmost + one pair on the other islet. Several pairs of pidgeon [pigeon] guillemots were nesting on the eastern islet. They had deep burrows dug in the earth beneath tree roots or between rocks Definite pathways led in under the shore vegetation + to them. One contained a young bird that we dug out. This burrow had a mess of faeces at the entrance. The young bird was taken + is Guiget [Charles J. Guiguet] specimen #290. In evening Charlie [Charles J. Guiguet] took another Lasionycteris [underlined] + also a saw whet owl.
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