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Karen Dykes
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passed on August 08, 2024 at 10:26
Height: 2760
Width: 1925
File Format: tiff (Tagged Image File Format)
File Size: 15964440
Filename: 5854_pp_210.tif
Last Modified: 2024-08-08T18:10:06.620Z
Original Checksum: edbe1d6594b9705b266545167783f6e1
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Creator Transcript
  • excellent deer trail leading up hill. The summit of the island consists of sphagnum muskeg fairly heavily wooded with stunted trees. The dominant species are Pinus contorta [underlined] + Chamaecyparis [underlined] but Tsuga heterophylla [underlined] Thuja + Taxus are present in fair abundance. Gaultheria is the dominant shrub + should probably be grouped with the other 2 dominants - Grass [word crossed out] other shrubs are Ledum, Kalmia, Menziesia + Vaccinium parvifolium,[underlined] none of them abundant but all fairly common. Empetrum [underlined] Cornus canadensis [underlined], Pteris aquilina (scarce) Struthiop [word crossed out] Hard fern + a sedge + a rush were noted. Lysihiton [Lysichiton] in the muck holes. Sphagnum forms large mounds. Mammal sign consisted of deer beds + trails in plenty + shrew tracks + burrows in small numbers. The deer probably go up there to sun themselves as it is almost the only part of the island exposed to the sun. Only birds heard were 1 flicker + some golden crowned kinglets. Nothing noteworthy seen today.
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