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Karen Dykes
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passed on August 08, 2024 at 10:26
Height: 2760
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Filename: 5882_pp_238.tif
Last Modified: 2024-08-08T18:12:03.491Z
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Creator Transcript
  • [Typewritten copy of journal of Allan C. Brooks] 14. Same walk as yesterday, found the falcon shot then saw two or three others. Shot one Q.C. [Queen Charlottes] woodpecker and saw three pine grosbeaks. Strong N.W. [Northwest] wind. Fine. 16. To Egeria Bay in a better boat that the one we have been using, shot another young falcon a dark male, saw an adult, very few birds, 2 semipal. [semipalmated] plover, 1 least sandpiper. Lots of shearwaters etc. [etcetera] out to sea but the perpetual N.W. [Northwest] Gale blowing keeps all the fishing boats close inshore. 19. The strong w. [west] wind moderated at last. Rowed over to Graham Island shore (Dadens) saw 3 adult Peale's falcons hunting and shot a nice male. Saw 1 wandering tattler, 1 spotted sand- piper, and crowds of black oystercatchers down west coast. 4 white-cheeked geese and a green- wing teal on the rugged rock bound coast. Many bear signs right out to edge of woods. 21. To Egeria Bay, high n.w. [northwest] wind still continues Shot a Wandering Tattler, the only other shore bird seen was a Ring plover. Hundreds of Rhinoceros auklets in the bay also Herring and G.W. [Glaucous-winged] gulls. 22. Left on the packer "Kanawaka" (Nelson Bros. [Brothers]) transhipping to another packer at 7-mile Pt. [Point] and arrived at Masset at noon, fairly calm but hardly any birds seen. In the afternoon went out to N. [North] beach where we took 3 Pacific Golden Plover, all adults and [Rev. A.] Mackie also shot a female juv. [juvenile] Peale's falcon.
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