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Karen Dykes
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passed on August 09, 2024 at 03:52
Height: 2760
Width: 1925
File Format: tiff (Tagged Image File Format)
File Size: 15964440
Filename: 5661_pp_016.tif
Last Modified: 2024-08-09T12:48:31.269Z
Original Checksum: 4b4f0abe52cd7f692ab8a8ba2f6655f2
Mime Type: image/tiff
Creator Transcript
  • Canis latrans. [underlined] Tag. #2 placed on [male symbol] at Moberly Flats, May 14, 1946. This animal badly manged on tail + hind quarters. Caught by both front feet + 2 toes on each injured but not broken. Jasper - May 18, 1946. Dens:- So far have seen dens as follows - none currently occupied. 1. On Sandy point - Devona. 2. On open face west of Devona den. 3. in bank overlooking large slough on N. [north] side of Henry House Flats. Den dug into cutbank beneath roots of a large tree - 50 ft [feet] from water. 4. On knoll overlooking railroad 4 miles west of town. 5. By beaver pond at foot of hill on Maligne Lake road. 6. By [word crossed out] In west facing bank above first slough on Lick creek trail. 7. 100 yds [yards] south of the last. 8. On west facing or S. [south] facing slope of second slough margin. 9. On sandy bank of lakelet adjacent to trail acros [word crossed out] to Lick Creek. (faces east). 10. In old beaver house at mouth of Geraldine Creek - (photo)
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