Transcript |
- On the B.C. [British Columbia] side of the boundary
saw Wright flycatchers, Tennessee
Warblers, Redstarts Tanagers, + all
the usual common species
Jasper. June 14/46 [1946].
Today we drove to the top of the
signal Mt. [Mountain] road + climbed the
mt [mountain] + lower slopes of Tekarra
The weather was very bad with
heavy rain + a driving, cold, wind
for about 2 hours around mid
day. Saw numbers of horned
larks, pipits + robins as well
as Golden crowned sparrow, fox +
timberline sparrows, Leucosticte
+ 8 Ptarmigan - all males.
4 Caribou.
" June 15/46 [1946]
Calculations + office work - heavy
rain all day. In evening
sprained my ankle + see several
days of inactivity ahead
" June 16/46 [1946]
Intermittent rain - confined
to Barracks with ankle.
" June 17/46 [1946].
Calculations of Miette + Maligne
quadrat studies are as follows.
Available shrub composition of
Miette range [underlined] is as follows