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Karen Dykes
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passed on August 08, 2024 at 14:06
Height: 2760
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Filename: 5651_pp_006.tif
Last Modified: 2024-08-08T22:59:10.829Z
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Creator Transcript
  • Rhinoceros Auklet. Q.C. [Queen Charlotte] city. Aug. [August] 2/46 [1946] Noted ass [as] common off Redfern + Pine island. 2 seen during crossing of sound and many between Cumshewa + Sandspit. Rose Harbour. Aug [August] 9/46 [1946] 500 [+/-] of these birds seen on the way down here on Aug. [August] 7. Most of these were between Sandspit + Cumshewa. " [Rose Harbour] Aug. [August] 14/46 [1946]. 4 or 5 of these birds, 2 of them at least without horns, are frequenting the bay hunting needle fish. " [Rose Harbour] Aug. [August] 16/46 [1946]. Examined a Rhino [rhinoceros auklet] colony found by Charlie [Guiguet] yesterday. It occupies the east base of Moore Point + two other small points in the bay immediately east of the point. We went to the colony just at dark, reaching it about 9:15. As we approached 7 birds flushed. Birds were crossing in + continued to come in some numbers until about 10:30 after which there was a lull with just the occassional [occasional] bird coming or going. Between midnight and 2 o'clock quite a few birds came in + about 2:30 the exodus started to reach a peak as the dawn started to break between 3 + 3:30. By 4 o'clock the colony was quiet.
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