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- Journal
3 Herring gulls + several Glaucous w. [winged] gulls
75 +/- Sooty Shearwaters, 6 white-winged
Today at Rose Harbour we have
found jays common 10 +/- seen, also
1 sharp shin, 1 Peales falcon, 1 pileated [pileolated]
warbler, many song + fox sparrows,
4 crows, 1 western sandpiper, 2 herons,
many [word crossed out] 15 +/- hummingbirds, 20 winter
wrens, 6 chestnut-backed chickadees,
2 ravens, 4 russet-backed thrush,
5 sooty grouse. many juncos.
There are no bears on the island
+ deer are not common.
I set out 28 traps, Charlie [Charles J. Guiguet] 32
Shot 2 cats.
Rose Harbour. Aug. [August] 9/46 [1946].
Clear + calm. Traps held 1 Rattus r. [rattus] [underlined]
alexandrinus, [underlined] 4 Rattus r. [rattus] rattus, 6
Birds as above + 2 pidgeon [pigeon] guillemot,
2 glaucous winged gull, 1 rhino [rhinoceros] auklet.
1 Red-winged blackbird, 2 pileated warbler
1 lutescent [orange-crowned] warblers.
Rose Harbour. Aug. [August] 10, 1946
A total of 70 mouse traps 11 rat traps
+ 3 steel traps took Rattus rattus
4 juv. [juveniles]; Rattus r. [rattus] alexandrinus 2, Peromyscus
1, Sorex 10. during the night.