diary_010-011 Public

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Dean Seeman
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passed on September 06, 2024 at 12:39
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Filename: 903_diary_010-011.tif
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  • LEFT PAGE 10 Thus when the varnish is bruised, it is the gum that turns white and the color is restored by the oil & [and] turps. If the mixture is left on the furniture it becomes tough and cannot be removed. To varnish old furniture, it should be rubbed with powdered pumice stone and water to take off the old surface and then varnished with new varnish reduced by adding turps. Apply with a stiff haired brush. --- For moths in furniture see the Scientific American August 2, 1873 --- "Mineralogy Explained" The minerals which are not scratched by the knife are seldom of any value as ores. --- Ores of metals are usually heavy --- Effervescence with acid indicates a carbonate, and frequently limestone. --- Iron ores are dissolved in warm acid after being pulverized --- Gold can only be dissolved in "Aqua Regia" --- Iron Pyrites heated on charcoal before the blowpipe gives of sulphuries [sulphuric] acid fumes and forms a magnetic Globule --- Copper Pyrites are of a darker or Brass yellow Color, not so hard as Iron pyrites and dissolve in Acid with a green or blue color RIGHT PAGE 11 "Tests for metals" When "gold" is dissolved in "aqua Regia" the solution should give a purple color with protochloride of tin solution, Gold is also precipitated by sulphate of tin [struckthrough] solution [struckthrough] Iron as a brown powder --- "Silver" dissolved in nitric Acid gives a white precipitate with hydrochloric acid which pricipitate is soluble in Ammonia Mixed with Carbonate of Soda and heated on Charcoal before the blowpipe compounds of silver give white brilliant metalic globules --- "Lead" also gives a white precipitate with hyrochloric Acid, but it dissolves in boiling water, with bichromate of potash or iodide of potasium, a beautiful yellow precipitate is formed. Its compounds a very readily reduced on charchoal. Galena often contains silver which can only be seperated from the lead by an assayer --- "Zinc" and Tin are quickly reduced by the blowpipe --- "Iron Ore" Hemetite" hardness 5 to 6 Scratches glass, not easily scratched with a knife, Color steel gray to Iron Black. Streak cherry Red or Reddish Brown When heated on charcoal in Reducing flame, becomes magnetic, soluable in muriatic acid. --- "Iron Ore Magnetic", 72 per cent Iron - When rubbed on unglazed porcelain leaves a Black streak.
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