Carta reducida que comprehende parte de la Costa Septentrional de California, corregida y enmendata hasta la Boca del Estrecho de Fuca, y levantado el Plano el en la Espedicion que se hizo con la Balandra de S.M. nombrado la Princesa Rl al mando del Alferez de Navio de la Rl Armada Dn. Manuel Quimper en el ano de 1790
San Juan boundary dispute maps [map A]
San Juan boundary dispute maps [map J]
San Juan boundary dispute maps [map B]
San Juan boundary dispute maps [map H]
Chart of the Coast of NW America and Islands adjacent North Westward of the Gulf of Georgia as explored by His Majesty's Ships Discovery and Chatham in the Months of July & August 1792.', covering Queen Charlotte Sound from the sea to Cape Mudge. Scale: 1 inch to about 4½ miles. Compass indicator. Longitude is shown east from Greenwich. [Queen Charlotte Sound, 1792]
Outline chart of the coast of Burke Channel, with the northern part of FitzHugh Sound
San Juan boundary dispute maps [map D]
San Juan boundary dispute maps [map L]
Chart shewing part of the Coast of N.W. America with the tracks of His Majesty's Sloop Discovery and Armed Tender Chatham, Commanded by George Vancouver Esq. and prepared under his immediate inspection by Lieut. Joseph Baker in which the continental shore has been correctly traced and determined from lat. 51 45ʹ N. and long. 232 08ʹ E. to lat. 57 30ʹ N. and long. 226 44ʹ E. at the periods shewn by the tracks ; Warner, sculp.