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Dean Seeman
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passed on September 06, 2024 at 11:08
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Filename: 944_diary_092-093.tif
Last Modified: 2024-09-06T18:24:27.769Z
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Creator Transcript
  • LEFT PAGE 92 To Make Shoemakers Wax Shoemakers Beeswax 8 oz. Tallow 1 oz. Melt Wax and add powdered gum Arabic 1 oz. and lamp Black to color. --- To Write on Colored paper so that To Write a White line will appear where on Colored the ink touches, use 1 part of paper Muriatic Acid and 20 parts of Starch Water. Very dilute Oxalic Acid may also be added. Write with a steel pen --- What Whenever the words are used such are as "a part" as 2 parts of Acid "Parts" and 10 of gum, it means that you should use any given weight of the acid and ten ties the same amount of the gum --- Liquid "Liquid Stove Polish" Stove Black lead pulverized 1 tbs [tablespoon] Polish Turpentine 1 gill, Water 1 gill Sugar 1 oz. Mix well together --- Lemon Lemon Sugar Sugar To 1/4 #b [pound] Sugar add 1/2 ounce of Tartaric Acid --- To Cut To Cut Stoneware Stoneware Use a thin disk of copper charged with Emory and water. Revolve it in a lathe, and apply the ware with it with a gentle pressure --- RIGHT PAGE Length of Tacks 93 Three ounce means that the package so labelled contains Tacks 3/8 of Length of an inch long, and that for every Tacks 3 ounces of that length, there should be 1000 Tacks. 4 ounce would be 7/16 of an inch long. 6 ounce 1/2 an inch long. 8 ounce 9/16. and for each "full weight" package thus labelled there should be 1000 tacks and so on up to 24 ounce, which likewise is Equivalent to 1 and 1/4 inch long, and 1000 Tacks --- To Stain White Wood Cherry, Mahog [mahogany], Walnut Stain Water, 1 quart, Washing Soda 1 1/2 ounces. for Vandyke Brown 2 1/2 ounces. Bichromate Wood of Potash 1/2 ounce. Boil for 10 Minutes. Dilute with Water if it is necessary, and apply hot with a Brush --- To Carpet a Room Number A room 14x15 contains 210 square of feet or 23 1/3 square yards. Carpet Carpet being 27 inches wide, you will need 1 1/2 Yards yards of it to make a square yard or 31 yards 4 inches in all. February 15 1873 [Scientific American] --- Iodine To Remove Iodine from Marble Use Strong Liquid Ammonia --- Waterproof Boot Soles Waterproof A coat of gum Copal Varnish Boot applied to the soles of shoes, and Soles repeated as it dries, until the surface is all filled up and shines like polished mahogany, will make shoes waterproof and last longer ---
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