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left: article: “Wives for whom there is no going back…” “For a woman; being sterilised is a far more decisive step than it is for a man…” [credit Liz Prosser; The Sun]; article: “Pretty 26-year-old Angela Donovan became a £3;500-1-year director of a steelworks…”; article: “Soliciting Votes” “Italy’s newest political group; the Party for the Protection of Prostitutes…”; article: “My boyfriend and I were sitting in a restaurant when the man at the next table leaned across…”; article: “Dig this; girls!” “Women should be allowed to become miners…”; article: “The ban gave a bad name to all other comics and led to a slump in the industry…” right: article with black and white illustrations: “Bachelor Burt wants to be a dad” [photos: “Jennifer O’Neill…” “Jackie Bisset…” “Burt Reynolds—‘The adoption officials turned me down’”; article: “Sex-op girl’s murder clue” “Police think a raid on the home of a sex-change former model may be linked with the murder of royal biographer James Pope-Hennessy…”; article: “In show business terms; this could become The Greatest Story Ever Told…” [concerning the film release of Jesus Christ Superstar]

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