diary_130-131 Public

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  • LEFT PAGE 130 Cure for Lumbago 15 grains "Guarana" in hot water with cream and sugar. Take it once or twice a day, and you may also increase the dose to 40 grains. Lumbago It is a preparation of the seeds and juice of the "Paullinia sorbilis" a Brazilian plant. It is a great stimulant and is an almost sure curse in "Diarrhea", Dysintery, Cholera and Neuralgia. Sept 5 1874 --- Square Mile & [and] Mile Square A mile square is square surface Each a mile in length. A square mile is a unit of area, and maybe of any shape, and although it may Square Mile be a mile square it is not necessarily so. So says an adventurer in the Scientific American. The editor says the above wrong, as follows: the differance beetween 2 quantities is found by subtracting one from the other. If nothing remains, what is the differance? June 12 1875 --- Brooklyn Dry Dock at Navy Yard 286 feet long, 30 feet wide at Bottom 307 feet long, 98 feet wide at Top with a lock chamber by which the Dry Dock length of the dock can be increased 52 feet. The Bottom of the dock is 26 feet below mean high tide. The dock when filled by the tide contains 600,000 cubic feet and the pumps pump out all water in 2 hours 10 minutes June 12 1875 --- RIGHT PAGE Resins 131 Nine in number. #1 "Gum Copal" is the juice of tree which grows in South America and East Indies. When pure, is hard, shining, transparent, citron colored and inodorous. It is not soluble in water or spirits, but may be dissolved in linseed oil, heated, and diluted with spirits turpentine to form varnish "Shellac" or "Lac" is obtained from the Banyan Tree on which it is deposited by an insect. It is composed of 5 differant Kinds. Stick Lac is the natural state. When broken and boiled in water it is called "seed Lac". When melted, strained and drawn into thin plates it is called "Shell Lac" Resins "Amber" is a yellowish Rosin and also resembles Copal. By Friction it will become Electrical. It will not dissolve in Alcohol, which will disolve all resins except "caramba Wax" "Dammar" comes from an East Indian tree Dissolves in oil of Turpentine, Sulphide of Carbon, Linseed oil and benzole. "Elemi" from Tropical trees Mastic from Mastic tree Sandarae" rom a Barbary Tree comes in white tears. Nov 22, 1873 --- Ice Water To preserve Ice Water make a hat Ice shaped cover of 2 thickness of paper Water with cotton Batting 1/2 an inch thick between. Place over Entire pitcher. Sept 25 1875 --- Warts Warts Rub night and morning with a piece of muricate of Ammonia, moistened ---
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