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left: article: “Why can’t men have a good cry?” [readers’ letters] [The Sun] [credit: Ann Buchanan]; article: “Majorca death fall: ‘Accident’ verdict on wife”; article: “‘Sex club’ sentences upheld”; untitled: black and white photo; article: “Mother-of four… to start work today driving a ten-ton building excavator”; article: “The survey also found that wives generally take the responsibility of buying contraceptives…” right: article with black and white illustrations: “The female impersonators star in handcuff death riddle”; article: “Tarzan woman takes to the trees”; article: “Rome: The theory that men use after-shave; cologne and body sprays to increase their appeal to women has been shattered…”; black and white advertisement: The Sun “Intelligent Female to sell classified advertising…”; article with black and white illustration: “Two displaymen have been playing to packed houses…” [photo: Rogers & Starr]; article: “Plea for love in jail”; black and white business card: “Michelle” [handwritten annotation: “SAT 9th JUNE 1973”]

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