Letter from Barbara Hepworth to Herbert Read, Oct 19, [1967?]
Part of a collection of letters to Sir Herbert Read from Dame Barbara Hepworth (English artist and sculptor) held in the Herbert Read archive at the University of Leeds, UK. The letters span the time period of 1965 to 1968, and discuss art, the art world and their personal lives. Hepworth discusses the state of her broken leg and her garden, and mentions the completion of new work.
- In Collection:
- 2 pages
- 50.19681, -5.47874
- Handwritten. Black ink.
- University of Leeds Herbert Read and Barbara Hepworth Correspondence
- BC MS 20c Herbert Read/12/265/15
- University of Leeds Special Collections description: https://explore.library.leeds.ac.uk/special-collections-explore/745460
- Metadata by Ruth Burton, additional metadata by KD.
- Rights
- Writings by Barbara Hepworth © Bowness. This material has been made available on this site for educational and research purposes only. For all other uses please contact Special Collections at the University of Leeds at specialcollections@library.leeds.ac.uk.