Legacy-of-Japanese-Printmaking 44

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  • tionists, and so on. From this connection, some of the most remarkable and appealing prints of this century have developed. A complete list of the artists responsible for the success of the later sosaku hanga movement would run into the hundreds. At the top of the list would be Shiko Munakata (1903-75) [77] whose simplicity of style drew inspiration from the powerful iconographie prints made by nameless Japanese Buddhist artists from the tenth century onwards. The popular style of Kiyoshi Saito (1907- ) [78] shows western Post-impressionist influences while still retaining strong Japanese characteristics. Umetaro Azechi (1902- ) [80] has received international acclaim for his charming primi�tive prints of mountain folk. Gen Yamaguchi (1903- ) [81] is noted for making use of leaves and other natural material in his prints. Junichiro Sekino (1914- ) [82] has earned a reputation for his outstanding portraits, characterized by his own decorative style of naturalism. Yoshitoshi Mori (1898- ) [83] turned to making folk art prints using typical Japanese themes and the medium of stencil. The stylized religious prints of the Christian artist Sadao Watanabe (1913- ) [84] are also stencil prints inspired by folk art. Haku Maki (1924- ) [85] makes interesting prints by applying cement to the wood, while Tomio Kinoshita (1923- ) [86] creates an unusual effect by using U-shapes and U-shaped gouges to make parallel lines on the wood. Tomoo Inagaki (1902- ) [87] gained interna�tional recognition for his highly stylized studies of cats. More recently, Tadashi Nakayama (1927- ) [88] has had consider�able success with his super-colourful prints of birds and animals depicted in fanciful, ribbon�like forms. Since 1960, Japanese artists seem to have shifted their attention from Europe to America. Printmakers like Miyashita and Ay-o, for instance, have been influenced by the Pop Art revolution in the United States. One of the most interesting and internationally known Japanese artists of the 1970�s and 80�s is Tetsuya Noda (b. 1940) [97] whose art is like a pictorial diary. Noda used his own photo�graphs to create large silkscreen images which illustrate particular moments in his life. In recent years, women artists like Naoko Matsubara (b. 1937) [99], Mayumi Oda (b. Le mouvement shin hanga compte �galement d�autres artistes, Kotondo Torii (n� en 1897) [54] et Kobayakawa Kiyoshi (1898-1948) [65], par exemple, dont les estampes de jolies femmes rivalisent avec celles de Shinsui. Deux autres artistes, Ishiwata Koitsu (n� en 1897) et Kasamatsu Shira (n� en 1898) [61] ont fait d�excellents paysages o� prime l�atmos�ph�re. De plus, Koson, ou Shoson (1877-1945) [69] a travaill� � partir de croquis pour cr�er de belles estampes d�oiseaux et de fleurs. Au tournant du si�cle, certains Occidentaux se sont rendus au Japon �tudier la xylo�graphie traditionnelle. Le plus important parmi eux �tait l�artiste anglaise Elizabeth Keith (1887-?), qui a r�alis� plusieurs estampes qui s�inspirent de ses visites en Chine et en Cor�e, et l�artiste fran�ais Paul Jacoulet (19027-1960) [71], qui a publi� quelques belles �tudes de femmes orientales et de paysages d�Asie et du Pacifique sud. L�habile artiste-graveur japonais du nom de Mokuchu Urushibara (1888-1953) [72] s�est rendu en Angleterre en 1910, et pendant son s�jour de trente ans � Londres et � Paris s�est servi de techniques traditionnelles de la gravure sur bois japonaise pour faire des estampes fond�es sur des �tudes de natures mortes. Ses estampes de fleurs �taient tr�s demand�es. L�estampe shin hanga a joui d�un succ�s consid�rable aux Etats-Unis durant les ann�es 1930. Une exposition importante au Toledo Art Museum a �t� particuli�rement bien re�ue. Cependant, le mouvement s�est �teint pendant la Deuxi�me Guerre mondiale. Apr�s la guerre, lorsque les Am�ricains ont occup� le Japon, les artistes shin hanga vivaient toujours, mais ne vendaient ni n�exposaient plus leurs estampes. A la suite des grandes expositions d�estampes japo�naise du vingti�me si�cle au British Museum et au Portland Art Museum dans les ann�es 1980, l�int�r�t pour le shin hanga a sembl� rena�tre. Aujourd�hui ces estampes atteignent des prix tr�s honn�tes aux ventes aux ench�res. Sosaku hanga Aux premi�res d�cennies du vingti�me si�cle, les artistes japonais qui faisaient des �tudes en Europe se sont rendus compte que beaucoup d�artistes occidentaux mondiale-
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