Legacy-of-Japanese-Printmaking 19

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Tiffany Chan
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  • erotic prints known as shunga, or �spring pictures.� Eroticism was an acceptable subject in Edo society until the second half of the nineteenth century when the influence of Western puritanism began to influence popular opinion. Shunga are an integral part of the ukiyo-e tradition. Almost all great ukiyo-e masters designed erotic prints and considered them a vital element of their art. To omit examples of shunga from a survey of Japanese prints would be a technical error, even though their inclusion is bound to offend many people. Shunga scenes varied from the first tender advances of young love to the brutal violations of dark and terrible dabauchery (see illustra�tions). Shunga undoubtedly served several purposes, from helping to train inexperienced courtesans, to arousing prospective clients and, in some cases, educating newlyweds. Although the genitalia were almost always exaggerated in size, shunga prints show the artist�s acute knowledge of the human anatomy. Landscapes comprised the third major cate�gory of ukiyo-e prints. Although landscapes have always been part of the history ofukiyo-e, they did not occupy a place of major impor- et raffin�es. D�s l�enfance, certaines filles �taient form�es pour devenir les ma�tresses de protecteurs ais�s. Mais les plus dou�es �taient bien instruites et m�me lettr�es. Elles savaient parler l�ancienne langue po�tique et elles �taient tr�s vers�es dans les arts de la musique, la po�sie et la peinture. En plus de cette formation dans les raffinements du protocole social, elles �taient �galement capables d��lever au niveau d�un art l�assou�vissement du d�sir physique. Les meilleures courtisanes �taient de belles dames accomplies, respect�es comme de hautes personnalit�s. Elles portaient les derni�res modes et, dans le go�t f�minin, faisaient �cole. L��lite des courtisanes, appel�e tayu, �tait fi�re de sa condition, mais les courtisanes inf�rieures �taient gard�es contre leur volont� et menaient une existence mis�rable malgr� la gaiet� et l��clat du quartier du Yoshiwara. La seule possibilit� d��chapper � cet esclavage d�gradant �tait l�espoir qu�un client riche tombe amoureux de l�une d�elles et lui rach�te sa libert�. A la fois au th��tre et dans les estampes ukiyo- e, la courtisane, somptueusement habill�e, E Ikeda Eisen Two Lovers / Deux Amants
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