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left: article: “Terror of Ulster bomb kids” [credit: Brian Woosey]; article: “Card girls get a raw deal!” “Women card sharps in America are getting a nude deal—with sexy playing cards…”; article with black and white illustrations: “Wowie! Zowie! Bowie!” “The Sun spotlights the new fun fashion happening” [credit: Jean Dobson] [photos: “Amanda Priest; 15; with chalk-white face” “Food dye on my hair…” “Linda Craft; 18; at the concert…” “Green pill-box hat and veil…” “A shy fan hides behind a sequin mask”] [pictures by Steve Lewis] right: article with black and white illustration: “Baby Frances is now a girl—official” [credit: Tom Merrin] [photo: “Frances: ‘Wrong sex’”]; article with black and white illustrations [continued from left page]:”Wowie! Zowie! Bowie!”; black and white advertisement: HRP Sales Limited “Ladies ~ now we have your attention ~ …”; article: “Jail sex story of women dressed as men”; article: “When the Ivy clings to Mr. Ferguson”; article: “The male members of the staff are usually promoted stewards and are very nice; although not among the most virile men…”; article: “Stripped—of his wages” “Women’s Lib scored a minor triumph when Hawaiian seaman Red O’Brien accepted a job as stripper…”

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