Page 37
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- Depositor
- bjustice
- Date Uploaded
- 2019-10-10
- Date Modified
- 2019-10-10
- Fixity Check
- passed on September 16, 2024 at 14:42
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Height: 5400Width: 7200File Format: tiff (Tagged Image File Format)File Size: 116658128Filename: 104_2014-020_Scrapbook_8-3_38.tifLast Modified: 2024-09-16T23:07:12.599ZOriginal Checksum: b20d8ef76bf14b9bc9a958bb7f98ad7cMime Type: image/tiff
left: article with black and white illustration: “Call me Veronica says a father of two” [credit Graham Maclean] [photo: “Patrick Hall… ‘Don’t ostracise me’]; article: “Well; I never thought I’d live to see the day a soldier of a Highland Regiment writes to a paper whining for long hair…” [reader’s letter]; untitled [6 black and white photographs: model posing in bed and chair] right: untitled [5 black and white photographs]; article: “When are they going to protect men’s rights?” [credit: Jon Akass]; article: “Full frontal man runs into snag” “British women must wait a while for their first magazine showing full-frontal male nudes…”; untitled [black and white photograph]; untitled [colour photograph]; untitled [black and white photograph]
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