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left: article: “Hand that holds the doorknob rules the world” “Going through a door is no longer an open and shut matter for the modern woman” [credit: Clive Bolton]; article with black and white illustration: “Now Jackie is a real Devil!” “Daredevil Jackie Smith came up smiling yesterday after taking a leap into history…” [photo: Jackie Smith]; article: “Their chance” “I see they’re putting the Women’s Lib squeeze on the Qantas air hostesses…”; article: “Death dance” “Sex-change girl’s killer is jailed…”; article: “It’s a female impersonators to Alfie and Co.” “Expect some casting surprises in tonight’s Black and Blue comedy…” [photo: Soap Opera in Stockwell] right: article with black and white illustration: “Sex-swap man weds” [photo: “John as a woman”]; article: “UN blasts sexy ads”; article with black and white illustration: “Sex change husband becomes a father” [photo: “Mr. John Crowther; during the time he became Miss Carol Crowther”]; article: “Those who most want to see this; won’t” [concerning the series ‘Within These Walls’]; article: “Casanova women in rush for divorces”; article with black and white illustration: “David Cassidy talked about his [illegible]” [photo: “David Cassidy…no gimmicks”]

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