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left: article with black and white illustrations: “International disaster year!” [concerning International Women’s Year] [credit: Penny Perrick; The Sun]; article: “I wish the Women’s Lib groups had taken action…” [credit: Hilary Bonner]; article: “Now it’s time we stopped the sex war” [credit: Claire Rayner]; article: “Maggie must wear the trousers” [credit: Christine Fox]; article: “We just forgot that it was going on” [credit: Philippa Kennedy]; article: “Let’s cut out the drum-beating” [credit: Jean Ritchie]; article: “Bar on bikini boys is out of order” [credit: Western Daily Press] right: article: “Mistaken marriage” [reader’s letter”; article with black and white illustrations: “Charles Pierce—‘America’s favourite male actress’” [photos: “Charles Pierce…” “…as Jeanette Macdonald”]; article: “Women are their own worst enemies” [credit: John Mendes]; article: “The Lena Zavaroni soldier is quitting the army…”; article: “Magistrate quizzed by the Yard” “A new homosexual scandal is rocking the armed forces…”

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