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Dean Seeman
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  • LEFT PAGE 148 "Powder Versus Dynamite" The Explosive power of Dynamite as compared to that of Blasting powder is 2 2/3 to 1, that is to say the same quantity of Dynamite will do 2 2/3 times the work of powder. At the Calamine Mines of Chrzanow, the working effect of Each hewer, driving in hard dolomite rock is in a 8 hours Shift Powder 6:5 cubic feet with dynamite, Versus against 4 cubic feet with powder Dynamite and when using the former, Each man can bore and fire 3 holes of 16 inches against 2 with powder. The Explosion of dynamite is very sudden, and the rock is far more shattered by it, without being projected, as is the case with powder. At the tin mines of Grauper in Bohemia, dynamite only 2 hours a decided advantage when deep bore holes can be used, but is also unquestionable in water bearing Rocks, when a charge of dynamite has never failed when properly placed, it is also considered much safer than powder March 1 1873 --- Antidote for Arsenic Antidote Tincture of Chloride of Iron 1 dram for Bicarbonate of Soda or potash 1 dram Arsenic Tepid Water a teacupfull. Mix Give as much as you please. Sure. May 24 1879 --- Fly Paper Boiled Linseed Oil and Resin Melt and Add Honey. Soak Fly the paper in a strong solution of Paper Alum and dry it, before you apply the above. RIGHT PAGE Magnetic Iron 149 Magnetic Iron Ore, or "Magnetite" received its name in Early times from its magnetic properties. A mass of the ore influences the needle, at a great distance. The Magnetism of the Earth is polar, the same side which repels one End of the needle attracting the other, and vice-versa with the other side. It crystalizes in the cubical system, the octahedron, and Rhombic dodecahedron being common forms. It occurs in Sweden, Norway, the Ural mountains, Etc and on a very Magnetic much smaller scale in England. Iron It the southeast corner of Dartmoor a band of this Kind of ore, deranges a compass as it is carried past its vicinity, and sailors say that there is a place in Cardigan Bay where on passing a reef of rocks the needle is influenced and set oscillating. A large mass of this deposit in the southeast Extremity of the Island of Elba, has a similar Effect; in Sweden also, deposits are discovered by means of this property. Meteorites frequently contain a percentage of Iron greater than magnetite, associated with Nickel and cryoolite in some cases, but the rarity of this occurrence precludes them from being classed as Iron ores, by which term we understand a mineral in sufficient quantities to be Economically and advantageously Extracted March 1 1873 ---
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