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- Dean Seeman
- Date Uploaded
- 2020-07-30
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Filename: 933_diary_070-071.tif
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Creator |
Transcript |
70 Victoria January 18th 1885
Sundries Dr [debits]
362 To Bills Receivable
361 Bank B.N.A. [British North America]
discounted note
for $500 from
Stock sold and
recurred nett 495.00
360 Int [interest] & [and] Dist [discount]
discount paid 5.00
375 May & [and] Bliss Dr [debits]
294 To Consignment
to Hamilton & [and] Co [company]
drew against the
above consgt [consignment] and
paid as above 2000.00
361 Bank B.C. Dr [debits]
359 To Cash
deposited today 1000.00
359 Cash Dr [debits]
362 To Bills Receivable
Red [received] from Chambers
bal. [balance] due on his note 1000.00
376 Hamilton & [and] Co [company] Dr [debits]
359 To Cash
drawn draft
from Bank
and sent them 3000.00
368 Exchange Dr [debits]
359 To Cash
Paid Exchange 15.00
Victoria January 18th 1885 71
Sundries Dr [debits]
362 To Bills Receivable
discounted note
from H.B.Co. [Hudson's Bay Company] for
$4000 and received
361 Bank B.C.
deposited nett Cash 3960.00
361 Interest & Dist [discount]
discount on note 40.00
362 Bills Receivable Dr [debits]
367 To Bills Payable
Exchanged notes
with Weiles and as
accommodation paper 2000.00
375 White & [and] Co [company] Dr [debits]
361 To Cash
Accepted and paid
draft in their
favor for 3000.00
375 White & [and] Co [company] Dr [debits]
361 To Bank B.C.
drew draft and
sent to them for 2000.00
Sundries Dr [debits]
356 To Mdse [merchandise]
Sold at auction for
my acct [account] by I.P.D. & [and] Co [company]
mdse [merchandise] realizing nett
to me $3600 which
they paid as follows
362 Bills Receiveable
Note from Cunningham 1600.00
359 Cash
Cash paid me 2000.00