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Dean Seeman
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passed on September 06, 2024 at 11:08
Height: 2200
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Filename: 902_diary_008-009.tif
Last Modified: 2024-09-06T18:22:55.603Z
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Creator Transcript
  • LEFT PAGE 8 "Mineraloay" Hardness of Metals or [illegible, struckthrough] In the above as follows the softest being #1 #1 Talc. soft, scratched with the nail #2 Gypsum. not easily scratched by nail #3 Carbonate of Lime. #4 Flourspar [Fluorspar] Does not scratch glass #5 Phosphate of Lime #6 Felspar scratches glass #7 Quartz. not scratched by knife #8 Topaz #9 Corundum #10 Diamond Hence if a scientific works speaks of the hardness of a body being 1,2,7, 6 or 8 Etc. look above list. --- For Gearing to change the direction of motion, in fact what I should call pitched gears see Scientific Am. [American] February 1 1873 --- To cement meershaum use fresh Plaster Paris with water --- To polish mineral specimens - grind on a grindstone to shape - Polish with Emery and rottenstone RIGHT PAGE 9 "How to improve the appearance of" "Varnished Furniture" When the polish on new Furniture becomes dull it can be restored by the following process; Take a soft sponge wick with clean cold water, and wash over the article. Then take a soft chamois skin and wipe it clean. Dry the skin as well as you can, by wringing it in the hands, and wipe the water of the Furniture, being careful to wipe only "one way" - never use a dry chamois skin on Varnished Furniture. If the varnish is defaced and shows white marks, take linseed oil and turpentine in equal Parts, shake them well in a phial and apply a very small quantity on a soft rag, until the color is restored; then with a clean soft Rag, wipe the mixture entirely off. In deeply carved work, the dust cannot be wiped off with a sponge; Use a stiff haired paint Brush instead of a sponge. The white scratches on furniture are made by bruising the gum of which the varnish is composed. Copal Varnish is made of Gum Copal, Linseed oil and turpentine or Benzine. Copal is not suluble in alcohol as other Gums are, but is dissolved by heat. It is the foundation of varnish, as the oil is only used to make the gum tough, and the turpentine is required to hold the other parts in a liquid state, and it Evaporates immediately after it is applied. The gum then becomes hard and admits of a fine polish.
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