Facsimile of part of Vancouver's chart of the coast of N.W. America
Map of Esquimalt District showing Esquimalt Farm, Craigflower Farm, Constance Cove Farm, and Viewfield Farm
Map of the Districts of Victoria and Esquimalt in Vancouver Island
Plan of Colvile Town shewing improvements made previous to May 8 1854
Plan of Sooke District, Vancouver Island. Part 01
Plan of Sooke District, Vancouver Island. Part 02
Plan to illustrate 'Memorandum respecting the Island of San Juan'. Great Britain. Foreign Office. 1859
South-east coast of Vancouver Island and the islands between the Gulf of Georgia and the Juan de Fuca Strait
Victoria District. Lot 24 Section XVIII - Victoria Harbour
Saanich District [and] South Saanich District (1855)